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Posts Tagged ‘leather bag

Being Mr. Project Manager (no, just project manager)

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Yesterday I felt creative. One of my leather bags has a small tear on one side, and it was really becoming too difficult to ignore. Since I literally have never done any needlework/stitching in my life, I thought it an apt occasion to begin to try and learn. The image – to the right, here – shows how bad it looked, and for some reason I felt like it would be easy to mend. How wrong I was.

The string they use to stitch the leather together is so incredibly feeble that, when I attempted to push the needle out back through the leather hole, SNAP! Near impossible with no experience, so naturally I switched to fishing wire. Off went the string they used, and in went the clear little thread of steel. It was thin, but still a tad larger than what those holes were make for. Fortunately it was stronger than any thread I’d find and I eventually found a rhythm in stitching through three holes with a thimble, pulling the needle out with my teeth, tightening my string, and making knots to finish the job. They’re hidden here, but I took a hot metal object (some sort of tool, I really don’t know what it was to be honest), heated it up over a candle, and seared my knots so they’d look less like knots and more like tiny plastic pancakes, which is sort of what they look like now. VoilĂ ! My bag is fixed, and I am proud of myself for saving money by not getting it professionally done, but moreover I’m impressed at the work my hands can do with a little fishing line, a needle, my teeth and some fire.



Written by thearnoldkid

January 1, 2012 at 9:13 pm